Creating a New Standard for Spiritual Care Worldwide—Join the Movement!

The GWish Project, Advancing Spiritual Care in Everyday Clinical Practice, was created to transform spiritual care throughout health systems worldwide. A movement to enrich the clinical care of patients, the initiative is designed for patients, families, clinicians, chaplains, and donors to learn about and advocate for a better understanding—and delivery—of spiritual care in clinical practice.
Advancing Spiritual Care is a ten-year initiative designed to elevate the patient’s journey through healthcare systems to entirely new levels of human experience.
We believe this movement will catalyze an evolution in healthcare by building an evidence-based case for including spiritual health as an essential part of a patient’s care. At GWish, we have learned that spiritual care has a significant impact on patient health and wellbeing, and that spiritual distress can be clinically identified, addressed, and incorporated into patient treatment plans. Our goal is to make these findings actionable in all clinical settings.
If you feel inspired by this goal, there are many paths for you and your organization to get involved. We welcome the support of foundations, universities, medical facilities, non-profit organizations, corporations, government entities, and individuals who care as deeply as we do about this work.
How You Can Help

Your generosity is needed to support program infrastructure, GWish Scholar sponsorships, spiritual care education and training, GWish fellowships, pilot research projects, and other elements of this sizable undertaking. Our goal over the next 10 years is to raise $20 million to further the awareness and implementation of spiritual care practices in all health systems, and we need your help!
We also welcome your expertise. We are open to partnering with you and/or your organization—we want to hear your ideas! We appreciate your willingness to open your hearts and contribute your unique skills to our mission.
In whatever way you’re moved to participate, we invite you to join us in creating a better, more patient-centered vision of clinical care.
For questions and additional information, please contact GWish Executive Director and Founder, Christina Puchalski, MD, MS, FACP, FAAHPM at cpuchals@gwu.edu.